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Rybí hody 22.11. 2014

Rybí hody 22.11. 2014Tradiční akce SDH Kaliště se letos opět vydařila.

  Již tradičně jako každým rokem jsme se v druhé polovině listopadu rozhodli uspořádat akci, při které se nejen dobře pobavíme s kvalitní kapelou, ale i výborně najíme - v tomto případě rybích pochoutek. 

  Událost zahájil a svým proslovem přivítal všechny přítomné nově zvolený starosta obce Ing. František Szczyrba. Kromě účasti členů našeho sboru a ostatních hostů musímě opět poděkovat SDH Častrov za hojnou účast jeho členů. Jsme rádi, že se jim u nás líbí a na oplátku brzy zavítáme zase my k nim. Akce se zúčastnilo více než 100 lidí, které bavila hudební skupina PRESTON, při jejímž poslechu bylo možné ochutnat nejen tradiční rybí řízek se salátem, ale i další lahůdky - halásle, specialitu z rybích vnitřnosti a kapra na kmíně. Součástí zábavy bylo i losování tomboly. Cenami byly živé ryby doplněné o další věcné ceny - například lovecký salám a pivo.

  Rybí hody se letos opět povedly a my jsme tak rozhodnuti v této tradici pokračovat i přístí rok.

(článek: Roman Krafka, foto: Renata Tarasová/Roman Krafka)

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I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.

I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.

There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.

I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.

I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.

Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.

I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.

, something about pron odpovědět
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.

I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.

There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.

I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.

I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.

Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.

I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.

, something about pron odpovědět
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.

I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.

There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.

I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.

I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.

Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.

I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.

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